Friday, February 11, 2011

Tired but happy!

I  always have good intentions when it comes to this blog but then I get busy and I just can't squeeze it in. At least this time it is because of a good reason!  Starting about 2 weeks ago, I started receiving emails from international media groups wanting to interview me about the rings I make! For one of the groups I took new pictures and of course answered the questions etc and because of this we were featured in The Telegraph (one of the U.K.'s biggest newspapers). You can see it here

We also are waiting to hear about 2 other big for our ring store and one for our vintage store so we were busy preparing for those as well (as they say...when it rains it pours!) . If anything comes of these I will share but please keep your fingers crossed for us! the title of this blog says we are tired (and if you see a chicken running around without a  head say hi as it is probably me!) but super happy and very grateful!


Japan Australia said...

Wow!! Congratulations!! That's huge to feature in the Telegraph. I love the rings and what a cute idea. They would make an excellent gift!!

Yejinni said...

Grats! :D
You guys deserve it ~
Its a really nice ring btw :O
Happy valentines day!

Isabel said...

I didn't know how to reach you via email so I am leaving this comment. I recently started a blog about Japan and information to Japan for students and parents at my school. I am very very very very intrested in Japan and their culture so I am pushing for my school to go to Japan as a school trip and may get my wish. We will be visiting Kyoto and Tyoko but I would like personal advice and guidance from someone such as you who lives in Japan about Japan. My blog is I hope you can see it and tell me if its good and valuable info. I am a high school student and will be traveling through EF Tours. I hope you can provide info for me. May I have your email so I can give more details. Thank You!

chinamommy said...

That is WONDERFUL!!!! Wishing you all the best!!


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